It may direct that the appellant shall be subrogated to the extent of any payment made by him to all the rights and remedies against the compensation fund of the person to whom he has paid the compensation. 则监察委员会可指示上诉人即以他作出的任何付款的数目为限,而藉代位取得已获上诉人支付赔偿的人针对赔偿基金而有的一切权利及补救。
Treatment and compensation of transnational environmental pollution events involve a country's duty, the extent to compensation and main body of compensation. 跨国界污染事件的处理或赔偿涉及国家责任、赔偿范围和赔偿主体等问题。
We should enact dependent united "Law on Damages for Traffic Accident", and in this law stipulate the following uniform system: the doctrine of liability fixation constitutive elements liability subjects fault set-off procedure of compensation extent of compensation and standard on damages for traffic accident. 应制定独立、统一的《道路交通事故损害赔偿法》,对于道路交通事故损害赔偿的归责原则、构成要件、责任主体、过失相抵、赔偿程序、赔偿范围和标准作出统一规定。
Research on the extent of compensation for breach of contract 违约赔偿范围研究
There is no clear regulation on the scope, amount, or extent of compensation for mental injury and the law relatively lags behind. 当前我国法律对精神损害赔偿的范围、数额或幅度没有明确的规定,立法相对滞后。
Study on the Extent of Compensation for Damage by Oil Pollution Tort 油污侵权损害的赔偿范围问题研究
On the Extent of Compensation for Losses to Trust Interests 论信赖利益的损害赔偿范围
The chapter focuses on the definition of extent of compensation which is the core problem of the system of mental damage compensation. 本章围绕精神损害赔偿制度中的核心问题&赔偿范围的界定,重点加以讨论研究。主张精神损害赔偿的主体范围既应包括自然人,又包括法人;
In order to protect the lawful interests of victims to the greatest extent, it is necessary to develop other ways of relief, and the funding system of damage compensation for environmental tort is a new kind of socialized relief. 为了更好地保护受害人,必须寻求新的救济途径,而环境侵权损害公共补偿制度正是环境侵权社会化救济的一种新途径。
The Extent and Criterion of National Compensation 论国家赔偿中损害赔偿的范围与标准
Compensation for medical malpractice should take these factors into consideration, the level of medical accident, the extent of responsibility for medical misfeasance in consequences of compensation for medical malpractice, relationship between consequences of compensation for medical malpractice and sufferer's original disease. 医疗事故赔偿,应当考虑医疗事故等级,医疗过失行为在医疗事故损害后果中的责任程度,医疗事故损害后果与患者原有疾病状况之间的关系这些因素,来确定具体的赔偿数额。
As the point of contact between jurisprudence and practice of compensation for breach of contract, the scope of compensation for breach of contract to some extent can be considered the core of compensation for breach of contract. 作为违约损害赔偿理论与实践切入点的违约损害赔偿范围,其确定的准确与否直接关系到民事责任制度功能的发挥,因此可以说,其是违约损害赔偿中的核心问题。
The author thinks that it should expand protection subject and enlarge extent of compensation in spiritual demages compensation legislation. Moreover, we should further perfect the affirming principle and standards of spiritual demages compensation pension. 作者认为,我国的精神损害赔偿立法应扩展保护主体,扩大赔偿范围,并应对精神损害赔偿抚慰金的确定原则及界定标准,进一步加以完善。
A Study of Environmental Tort and Its Extent of Compensation 环境侵权及其民事赔偿范围研究
The calculation results reflects the market price level to a certain extent, and could provide some references for the compensation of the rural homestead exit. ( 3) Appropriate compensation mechanism should be established with the rural homestead exit. 测算结果在一定程度上反映了宅基地的市场价格水平,可以为农村宅基地退出补偿提供一定的参考依据。(3)农村宅基地退出应建立相应的补偿机制。
To some extent, the study of compensation system and performance management on the institute of Architectural Design A in this paper could supply a reference to enterprises. 本文针对A建筑设计院的薪酬与绩效研究在一定程度上具有借鉴和参考意义。
To be more specific, make a contract linking pay and performance would settle the dispute to some extent. Therefore, pay-performance sensitivity becomes a significant index to measure the effectiveness of compensation mechanisms. 如果将高管的薪酬和企业的绩效捆绑设计薪酬契约则可能在一定程度上缓解代理问题,高管薪酬-业绩敏感度也因此成为衡量薪酬激励机制有效性的重要指标。
Compensation for infringement of copyright involves so many problems, such as principle of damage, extent of compensation and computing of compensation for damages of copyright. 著作权侵权损害赔偿涉及赔偿原则、赔偿范围以及赔偿金额的计算等诸多问题。
To a great extent, the appearance of compensation problems is attributed to the lagging of legal regulation. 薪酬问题的出现在很大程度上要归咎于法律规制的滞后缺陷。
The thesis analyses quantificationally how to adjust compensation rates and to construct a floating rate accorded with the extent of resource utilization by means of mathematical models. It combines quantitative analysis with qualitative one, which makes compensation fee rate adjustment more scientific and reasonable. 4. 通过建立数理模型,对调整补偿费费率,建立与资源利用水平挂钩的浮动费率制度进行量化分析,实现了定性与定量分析的结合,使补偿费费率调整方案更加科学、合理。